Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jozie is ALLLLL about school. So much so that on Monday and Wednesday she has teared up when Dan goes to pick her up!!! ugh... seriously... they are going to think something bad is going on at home!!! She is just to happy to be in school!

Here are some pictures:

Jozie has been drawing pictures... alot... so much so that she actually creates books that she reads to us.  I wrote down the story she told me last night before bed.  "Bear" with me as it was hard to keep up with her, my writing is sloppy, and so some things may or may not be included.

The baby bear and the mommy bear were hunting through the woods and going to find their home and find toys because baby bear likes toys.  Baby bear got an airplane squirter and squirted Daddy bear, mommy bear, baby brother, baby sister but most of all herself!

Then somebody was in a hot air balloon.  They were friends together.  They went into the Asian Forest which is big and purple (hey I didn't make this story up!).  The bears were going to the bear forest.  Then they got the baby bear his pool floaty, which is always in the tree (and there is a drawing of a floaty in a tree... no joke).  Then they went to sit on a big rock with feet, even though rocks don't have feet.

Then the people were stuck in the mud (she pointed out that she mixed yellow and brown together for mud).  Then the people got unstuck and they looked at their book.  Then they got into their hot air balloon because the other one was purple, but they didn't want it.  They wanted to go into the blue one.  They were all squiggly together, so they looked in the squiggly mirror.  Then they wanted to win the race so they got a flag and won the race.

They they saw a purple ant (at this point she had, what I thought was, a blank piece of paper, but no, she had a small little purple ant on it!)

Then the daddy bear was asleep and he said "I'm going to do it" and the baby bear wanted something to eat.  They woke up in the morning (pic of daddy bear with sharp teeth) and then they had something for dessert and woke up. (again apparently)

Then they go to the slide at school and it was red.  And then the baby bear and the daddy bear went to the baby bears school and went on the slide.  They went on the bridge and then they were getting some fish.

The end

Ok, so while the story didn't make much sense (I guess that's a bit harsh for a 3 year old) she literally took all these drawing she had, picked them all up (so they were not in any order) and then just made up a story to go with the picture.  Not bad in my opinion.  :-)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Homework Time

She had one day of school and already has homework! We had to sit down with her and ask her questions about herself (what is her name, what does she like to be called, favorite food, etc).

One question asked "When my parents are upset with me they...". She said, "kick me or punch me in the face". I wish I were joking. We decided to write down, "put me in time out".

Another question was "I get upset when..." her answer was "people beat me up and kick me". Seriously... we decided to put "when I don't get to do what I want to do".

I hope her teacher doesn't ask her the questions and just takes our written word for it... CPS will be at our door.

New Joke

Jozie usually tells us the chicken crossing the road joke, but today she told Dan a new one...

What do you call a bear that is not wearing socks?


She said she got it from her friend the munster....

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My mom called me tonight and told me the following story about Jozie.

After dinner we went to Target and there was this "littlest pet shop" toy and Jozie wanted it.  They of course put things at Jozie's eye level.  So I bought it for her.  In the car she said "Grandma, I'm so lucky.  I get everything I ask for."

This made me laugh, because as she is at her grandparents house, Dan and I are cleaning out all her toys and she will come home to only two boxes of toys... believe me this is a huge drop in the amount of toys at our house.  I don't think that this is what she asked for.

Jozie hasn't even started school yet and we already have stories! We got to go and meet her teacher yesterday and every time somebody went to talk to her, my daughter, placed a hand over her nose and mouth and started snorting. Why do I have the strange child?

She got to meet some of the other kids in her class and we got to meet some of the other parents. We can even see the personalities of some of them from just watching them play. I saw the bossy girl, the outgoing girl, the tiny quiet one, the shy one, and my daughter... the strange one. There are also 4 little boys in the class, but i didn't get to see as much of them. The parents we met seem cool enough. I'm excited, and scared, for this new chapter in our little family's life.

Interesting fact.  We have somebody named Bob that lives in our house.  He goes around and shuts off all the lights.  Whenever we go into a room that is dark, Jozie says "Oh Bob must have turned off the lights again!" Thanks Bob for helping us save money on our electric bill.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Last night I was informed that the "Bad Jozie" (the green one) also has green eyes.  Not only that, but she has a mean grandma and papa (grandpa).  She doesn't know what makes them mean, much like the parents.  But bad jozie also has 3 sisters.  All of their names are Jozie.  But the 3 sisters are NICE and Good! They are not all Bad Jozie's! And the Good Jozie's play with her.

Don't know how the conversation started, but we were explaining to Jozie that a chicken nugget is a chicken and she doesn't believe us... we ask her, then were would a "chicken" nugget come from?  She doesn't know but it's not a chicken.  Her next favorite food is beef patty.  She asked where that came from.  We told her a cow.  "No it doesn't ".  ummm... ok, if you don't like the answer, don't ask!  She doesn't believe that people eat animals.  She will understand one day.  Or become a vegetarian :-)  But then i have to explain that carrots cry when you chop them up and cook them... aww... i'm such a mean mother...


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