Thursday, March 3, 2011

Haunted Room

Dan and I had decided way back when that when Jo turned 5, we would re-decorate her room to whatever she wanted. At one point she wanted hearts and bells. Now she wants a haunted room with vampires. I talked her out of the "haunted room" and we are now going to do Scooby Doo... and vampires. And when looking at bed frames, she picks the girliest metal curly cue bed frames. Odd girl.

At Jo's school in Pre-K they start doing spelling test. She has had several and has done so well on them! One of them she only had one day to study her words and she got them all right, plus the bonus words!!! Go Jozie!

Jozie has had her first crush. She likes a little boy in her class by the name of Jack. I'm not suppose to know this info. She only told Dan and told him not to tell me. Woopsie! She even asked him if he ever wanted to get married when he was older! He didn't think so... So she didn't ask him part two of the question. If he wanted to marry her!!! I am in a world of hurt...

Your Highness

Not sure if she is being funny, crazy or a smart-aleck but Jo has started calling me "Your Highness" and asking what she can do for me.... Maybe I will use this to my advantage!


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