Saturday, October 31, 2009

My mom took Jozie to go see If You Give a Cat a Cupcake (a book turned play locally).

Listen in to what Jozie thought of it in this review:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Flu Shot

Dan and Jozie went to CVS and got their flu shots yesterday. They got stickers (which both of them had to wear) that said that they got their shots. Jozie was showing it to me and then asked what the flu shot was. I was explaining that the shot was to keep her healthy and prevent her from getting the flu. She then asked what the flu was, so I began explaining it to her and telling her how Mary has the flu and she is very sick. Jozie said "We should get her pizza and bring it to her house to make her feel better!" Aww yes, the all curing pizza... loves it!

Dan said that Jozie sang this song to him (think sing songy like "5 little monkeys jumping on the bed").

5 Little Babies jumping in the water, then actually a sudden 1 jumped out and then there were 4
4 Little Babies jumping in the water, then actually a sudden 1 jumped out and then there were 3
3 Little Babies jumping in the water, then actually a sudden 1 jumped out and then there were 2
2 Little Babies jumping in the water, then actually a sudden 1 jumped out and then there were 1
1 Little Baby sad in the water, he jumped out
Then there were no babies in the world!

Is it Love?

Not if you ask Jozie. She always tells us that she does not like boys. She only likes the girls. The other day she was the only girl in her class and she still wouldn't play with any of the boys. The feeling is not mutual. She told us that 2 boys (Max and Daniel) have both told her that they LOVE her!!! She does not love them. This is all to much for me to handle...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

There are these toys called Zhu Zhu Pets. They are basically toy hamsters. Jozie is CRAZY about them. They are selling out everywhere all the time. I found some blanket / bed / purse accessories a month ago and I grabbed them all. Dan found part of the hamsters living space yesterday and got it. My mom left her phone number with Toys R Us and got a call today and picked up 4 of the pets! They really are cute, but when they first started moving around, Jozie jumped up on the couch. In fact she will only play with them when they are in their little house thing. Looks like we need to try and get more pieces to that house.

Podcast Envy

Dan has his multiple podcasts and I have my podcast that gets recorded on a weekly basis in our house. The other day Jozie informed us that she also has a podcast. Her podcast is about animals. We'll have to link it up when she starts recording.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Today, Jozie enlightened us as to why Papa (my dad) is not in "the club". He doesn't have any hair. Only people with hair are in the club. Poor Papa...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm beginning to think my daughter will be the next Dr. G : Medical Examiner. If you don't know who Dr. G is, she is on Discovery Health and she is a local medical examiner. Her show consists of different autopsy cases and how these people died.

My daughter has always seemed to be fascinated with death. When I mean always, I mean that by the time she was 18 months old she would tell me, "mom, butterfly no move. butterfly dead." Stating it very factually. No sad child-like emotion. Just a very, it is what it is matter of factness. When our dog Torrance passed away a little over a year ago (putting Jo at 2.5) she wanted to know everything about it. What happened to him? Where was he? When we explained he was cremated (and explained what that was) she needed to see the ashes. She wanted to see them everyday. She told us fairly regularly (and also other people) that he was now "small and in a box". Again, no emotion behind it, just matter of fact.

We have not had anything die recently (thankfully of course), so now I find out that 2 days ago she told Dan, "I had a gold fish, he's dead now. My friend the munster had a gold fish, he's dead now too".

And then there's this picture from her picture blog. Seems innocent enough, except, see those two dinosaurs on the right of the picture lying down? Yep... they are sleeping alright... in death. She told Dan they are dead.

She is completely fascinated.... soooooooo I am just thinking positively and thinking that she will grow up to be a medical examiner and it will be useful that she is non-emotional about dead things.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A New Song

As we were getting ready to go bed, Jozie began singing to me.

First you wiggle your ears (she then took her hand and wiggled her ear)
Then you wiggle your hair (she lifted her hair up and shook it around)
Then you wiggle your hands (she then began rolling her hands around each other)
Then you wiggle your feet (she did a little jig)
And that's how you do the Shake!

Then she told me "Mommy, I made up that song AND dance all by myself". I told her how impressed I was and then she said, "well I saw it on a commercial at my friend the munster's house".... awww the truth comes out.... :-)


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